Chambers Of The Past
Ömer Selçuk Baz Yalın Architecture
30 May - 30 June 2024
Everyday 11.00 - 19.00

Table Exhibition #2
What we do, our encounters, and what happens to us, whether good or bad, all shape us. We can't choose every encounter; we avoid some, and knowingly or unknowingly, we're drawn into others. These choices, glances, evasions, and pursuits inevitably define us.
These 'pre-brick time rooms' in Manisa are also products of many escapades and pursuits.
This ancient-faced structure, drawn to by chance or conscious decision, can actually be described as a kind of sensory space.
Please, don't see this 'peculiar' structure merely as a physical 'matter-space' yet unfinished. This structure is conceived as an expression of forgotten various construction techniques, a sharp sooty moment of recent history, landscape, fire, a vanished city, and a story we've personalized.
This effort can be interpreted as an intention to create a kind of 'sensory enhancer' that allows the feeling of certain significant events from the past.
For now, thoughts, processes, and works are scattered across this layered table. When it's finished, let's meet in its 'rooms'...
Ömer Selçuk Baz
Ömer Selçuk Baz was born in Nürnberg, Germany. He completed his primary, secondary and high school education in Antakya. He received his bachelor’s degree (2002) in Bursa Uludağ University. He has participated in many national and international architectural design competitions and won lots of prizes. He has started master programme at Vienna University of Technology. At the same time he has taken part in various architectural projects mainly focused on housing and shopping centers in Atelier Stelzhammer, Vienna.
In 2005, he won first prize in Turkish National Bank Bursa Branch Office Building Architectural Competition based in Turkey. After that he has continued architectural works in Turkey.He has been a jury in various national competitions and award organizations. T.C Central Bank (1st prize), Troy Museum (1st prize) , Rhyad Mosque (1st prize), Cappadocia Museum, Zonguldak Caves Visitor Center, Korean War Memorial and Visitor Center (1st prize) are the main projects designed by Yalın Architecture team.
Since 2011, he has been continuing his professional studies in Yalın Architecture which he founded with his partner Okan Bal who is urban planner.
Project Team
Exhibition Design
Ömer Selçuk Baz, Heval Zeliha Yüksel, Büşra Erdoğdu, Merve Çakırgöz, Ece Kandemir Bagatır
Exhibition Coordinator
Nesli Kayalı
Project and Exhibition Coordination Team
Feyza Baltacı, İlayda Köroğlu, Merve Şanlı
Communication and Web Design
İlayda Köroğlu
Graphic Design
Merve Şanlı
Project Consultants
Heval Zeliha Yüksel
Exhibition Construction
Yalın Mimarlık, The Circle
Model Making Team
Asuman Doğan, Meryem Özkan, Süleyman Uluışık, Melike Gürpınar, Eda Gürhan
Tuğçe Karaduman
Product & Service Supporter